Dine in Date: 23rd November 2014 Tappers cafe is nothing new, I had tried it in the same outlet about a year ago but I haven't started...

I love all type of cheese cake. Although I have not tasted lots of different cheese in this world, or in Malaysia, but so far there isn...

Dine in Date: 2nd November 2014 A new outlet of Texas Chicken has finally open in Mid Valley. But I got no chance to try it yet with my de...

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1) Need a break from food blogging. Focus on other life matters
2) Personal Life? Working Life? Are they two life or one life? Hmm...

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  • Newly open, yes.New jap at Ampang. Green house by muir, never thought it's a Japanese concept all in one : Bakery, grocery, cafe and even Japanese cuisine...
  • Hola! My name is Trisha and I started solo female travel in Mexico in 2018. I have visited all 32 states of Mexico alone and fast-forward to today, I have ...
  • 清邁是個相當悠閒舒服的旅遊地點,是個有濃濃文藝氣息的古城,有許多挺有特色的咖啡館,街道旁小店外都有些有情調的小裝飾,個性的壁畫,美麗的掛飾,有格調的木雕。照常理來說,喜歡扮假文青的我應該會很喜歡清邁,可是我卻無法釐清自己對清邁那種複雜的感覺。 我並沒有太喜歡清邁。 一早起來,早餐當然是去我最愛的傳統...