Kitty's Chronicle

My discoveries after starting this blog:

1. "It's tough but food businesses need to ensure to provide the best service and quality to their customers regardless how many times they visit the place. Don't ask them to come back next time for better or improved services or quality." - 6th June 2015.

2. "Capturing a nice picture of your food before eating is not just to share on Facebook, your food will became much prettier and appealing when you put your heart to capture the best moment of it. It will be nice and tasty." - 28th August 2015.

3. "Not only restaurants and cafes that has great reviews should be posted in food blog. There are unlimited food places out there that need to be discovered" - 13th October 2015.

4. "When you are writing a diary, you express your true feeling at the best honest feeling without hiding anything. I think writing a blog is just like writing a personal diary, writing your true personal experience and feeling is what make the content precious and valuable." - 13th October 2015.

5. "Writing food review is an adventurous thing. You can't just order the food that you think that suits you and comfortable with it. Sometimes you need to order something that you have no idea what da hell is that even after reading the name and description. Life is just like that, always staying in your comfort zone stop you from exploring new options and expand your knowledge." - 16th October 2015.

6. "There are a lot of theories in a Big Breakfast relating to life. On the plate, there is always the scramble egg on top of a lovely and soft bread slice that we always expect how things suppose to be; there are grilled sausages cooked with special sauces that usually spice up more on our life in our usual routine; on the side of the plate, there reside beef bacon which is the best sinful thing we want knowing that it's bad for us; under the mountain of rockets, slices of portobello hidden beneath like life opportunities that you only able to obtain if you're willing to explore deeper into it as you couldn't see it from the surface; and there are beans that look like any ordinary breakfast beans but when you crunch on it, you get huge surprise on how ordinary things could turn up beautiful and grand as long as you willing to say "yes" to chances in front of you." - 15th November 2015.

7. "When you see your customer's biceps muscle are out when they are slicing a bread with table knife and fork, you should seriously review and reconsider the overall quality of all your foods." - 15th February 2016.

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Latest Feeling

1) Need a break from food blogging. Focus on other life matters
2) Personal Life? Working Life? Are they two life or one life? Hmm...

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