About Dynamic Kitty

I'm a young 26 years old fella that begin to change my life by starting some blogs and start ticking one the list of items in the to-do list for my life plan. Yes, this blog is one of my life plan and one of my life achievements for starting my very own journey to taste all type of foods and writing down my feeling and thoughts about them. Much more than simple diary.

In my opinion, not only restaurants and cafes that has great reviews should be posted in food blog. There are unlimited food places out there that need to be discovered. And this not only limited to restaurant and cafe, food stalls in the shopping mall or beside the road should also be included in the list. Hence, I will generally use the terms "food place".

Hunting around for restaurants/cafes is one of the main components in this blog. I don't only target nice food place, I'm basically willing and wanted to experience any food places and foods regardless if they have good or bad review, because review is merely personal or group opinion, which is subjective to all individuals. We may hate the food that has the top quality in a food place while most people love them; and we might love a food that had the worst reviews after you tried them.

Here, you don't find many nice quality pictures or lots of food and drinks to attract your appetite, because I'm usually go to the restaurant/cafe by myself and I focus on writing according to my own personal experience in terms of feel and taste in the food place, regardless of good or bad. Additionally, I'm taking picture using my Nokia Lumia 720. As I'm not targeting on great quality image to make the food look good, I present how the food looks like just as how it's being served. That being said, my photography skill with phone is not that good anyway.
Blogging about food is just like a diary. Not for anyone but all for myself. When you are writing a diary, you express your true feeling at the best honest feeling without hiding anything. I think writing a blog is just like writing a personal diary, writing your true personal experience and feeling is what make the content precious and valuable. This is why, I treat this blog as a diary that wrote down what I truly experience so that in the future, I can remember the experience and feeling that I once had for that place and food. This small treats is part of the thing I do that make my life meaningful.

Nevertheless, I'm not forgetting the fact that I'm writing a blog that could be access by the public, not a diary book that kept hidden in my room. So I will try my best to provide extra info for people who interested to try out on any of the food place in my list.

Since my food blog is totally based on my own interest, I have no sponsor for every visit to a food place, so certain posts could be based on experience and feeling for first time visit only. In case, I mean just in case, if the food place's unable to serve their food or provide service at their best quality, thus the experience and feeling is based on certain part of their careless mistakes. Or simply put, one of the staffs is not in good mood so he or she couldn't provide quality of food and service at his or her best, will that affect my final opinion on that particular food place?

Running a food business is still a business. Some customers might have better temper to tolerate mistakes, but there are also mean customers who think that mistake is unacceptable because they should do a great job with high quality to ensure high customer satisfaction. But every human do mistake, and running any business is never an easy task. Willing or not willing, mistakes could occur not only due to personal reason, but usually it's strongly affected by external reasons.

The main challenge is, how the business deal with mistakes done by the employee, and attempt to provide the expected quality to the customers. There are a few food place that I re-visited several times. Despite I had bad experience at the first time, I manage to get better experience on the next time. It's the same when I had good experience for first time, but the next visit might not be a good one. For me, the main issue is how well they try to cope with problems with their business, in which I could see such initiatives from certain food place. This is why I would say that food business won't be able to give their best quality in terms of food and service all the time, but the heart and action to provide that level of customer satisfaction is what truly make up the good customer experience.

In short, I don't always see the needs of revisiting a food place to ensure the accuracy of my rating on their food, service and other. You can't expect all customers out there willing to give second or third chances to a food place if they had a bad experience in a food place for the first time either. And to be honest, I don't have that much of budget to eat anything I want at any time I desire.

And as you can see, the way of my writing is really long winded and there are always time when I repeat the same point in a different ways. This may consider a weak point that drive those who are not interested in full details away, but I consider this as a way to express my content to the readers, and this is the way I provide info to all people.

Being an inexperience bloggers, I appreciate any comments and critics with positive intention as a sharing of experience and thoughts. And I hope that you would enjoy reading every post in this blog.

Best regards,
Vyzass Cloud
(Author of Dynamic Kitty Food & Places)

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Latest Feeling

1) Need a break from food blogging. Focus on other life matters
2) Personal Life? Working Life? Are they two life or one life? Hmm...

Blog That I Follow

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