Dynamic Kitty is Migrating to WIX!

A HUGE announcement after idling for so many months.

  1. As the title imply, Dynamic Kitty is moving to WIX!

  2. Apart of "just" migrating, Dynamic Kitty is now www.dynamickitty.com!

  3. From now on, Dynamic Kitty Food & Place will be renamed as Dynamic Kitty Journey & Story.
Just to extra emphasize on this, click on the image below to go to the new site

From Blogspot to WIX

I like blogpost, mainly of the ease of changing template and flexibility of customizing the templates and most components directly using code. And I'm honestly enjoy using this simple platform for so many years.

But like most things in life, we need to seek better opportunity.

WIX is a really dynamic website building platform. It's so dynamic, that I actually dislike the slow response all the time when I'm using the web editor. But it comes with lots of responsive and stunning templates, and ready-to-use and trendy components that beat blogspot. So I decided to stick with WIX for now.

The Journey and The Story

In my new site, these are the two main prefix that need to take note:
  1. Journey - All food blogging posts will be tagged here.
  2. Story - All of my thoughts, idea, inspiration and etc since I started blogging.
Since this is a completely new site, I still have quite some stuff to touch on. If you found something missing, any issue, or has any suggestion in the new site. Please feel free to let me know.

So What's Going to Happen to My Blogspot

When I started to design the site in WIX, I found one great obstacle: There is no way to migrate all my posts to WIX.

Unfortunately, WIX's web editor is not so friendly towards people like me who are very used to dealing with code. Even though blogspot provide the entire code of all blog posts that allow people to copy-paste into other place, but seems like WIX doesn't like that.

In short, I can't migrate any posts from blogspot to WIX without using the manual way.

I spent a great deal of time to copy-paste each blog content and uploads all images of my previous blogspot posts and re-create each blog post in WIX. And I'm just about half way towards completion....

This also give me an opportunity to re-work on my old blog posts to include information that are available on the latest posts.

So, I will keep my blogspot active for now until further notice. I will have to migrate all my blog posts from blogspot to WIX. Until then, there will be no new food blog posts.

In the future, I might consider deactivate my blogspot and any future access to this site will be redirected to my new website in WIX.

But please feel free to suggest any food place that caught your attention and wish to have some honest review on it.

Final Words

I really appreciate all the views and comments in blogspot so far, although it's not too much compare to other bloggers.

Thank you for all your time for reading and provide the opportunity for this site to grow.

Please visit my new site in WIX for any previous and future blog posts. Do remember to check out the Story section as well. Again, thank you and see you again in the new site: www.dynamickitty.com

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